✔️ Choose a week and time of day to fast in September. Feel free to select multiple days!
✔️Choose type of fast.

➡️ To select a slot, sign up on the Fasting Form.

Tips for fasting:
• Take a prayer walk
• Prayer with journaling
• Feast on God’s word – Matt 4:4
• Worship with singing
• Call a friend and pray together!
• Pray out loud – “God give me grace to fast today” -Mike Bickle
• Invite a friend to join you & sign up!

Vision for Fasting: Matthew 13:44
“Fasting is not so we can get more of God, it’s so God can get more of us.”
-Jentezen Franklin

As the world changes, we make ourselves ready and God prepares us for this. It is the attitude of a heart sincerely seeking Him to which God responds with a blessing (Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 14:12, 1 Corinthians 8:8). May God greatly bless you as you fast!

The Why & How of Fasting
The Rewards of Fasting